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XII International Scientific Conference “Technics. Technologies. Education. Safety 2024”
02 sep 2024 - 05 sep 2024 • Varna, Bulgarie
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0"
An international interdisciplinary scientific and technical event, including the lines of both transport and military engineering, and also natural, mathematical and public sciences, theory of education, knowledge and creativity. The Conference is aimed at giving place of meeting for scientists of different countries, in order to represent their achievements and to discuss the problems of their science fields.
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0";     Tél.: [(+359 2) 987 72 90];     Email.:
Self-propelled technics, Military transport technics, Internal combustion engines, Research, use, repair and maintenance, Transport technologies, Management and logistics, Security and ecology, Information technologies, natural and mathematical sciences, Mechanics, dynamics, strength and reliability, Analysis of elements, Military sciences and national security, Knowledge, Creativity, Innovations, Theory of education, upbringing and scientific researches, Leadership, Public sciences, Linguistics
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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