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IX International Scientific Conference "Industry 4.0" - Winter Session
11 dec 2024 - 14 dec 2024 • Borovets, Bulgarie
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0"
A strategy "INDUSTRY 4.0", in which the physical world merges with the virtual, information technology, telecommunications and manufacturing are united when the means of production are becoming more independent. It is still impossible to say how it will look smart factories in the future. The scientists from around the world, from all scientific fields are called to seek an answer to the many challenges of "INDUSTRY 4.0". We invite the scientists and the researchers to present the results of their research works and the companies to introduce their high-tech products and services, offered on the market.
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0";     Tél.: [(+359 2) 987 72 90];     Email.:
Technological Basis of “Industry 4.0”, Cyber physical systems (CPS), Automation, Smart power grid, Informatisation of production and logistics, Machine-to-machine communication (М2М), Smart production technologies and systems, Virtual engineering technologies and simulations; Information and computer technologies; Robotic engineering; Artificial intellect, Materials, structures, systems - SMART technologies, Environment-friendly technologies, Energy engineering and technologies; Solar and hydrogen energy production; Energy recuperation, Change of business models; Cloud services, data analysis and evaluation; 3D production simulation, Remote management, Smart Factory, Virtual marketing, Economic freedom, Social issues of „Industry 4.0”, E-training
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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