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Faraday Discussion — Advances in supramolecular gels
30 avr 2025 - 02 mai 2025 • Glasgow, Royaume-Uni
Royal Society of Chemistry
Our ability to make soft materials based on the fundamental principles of self-assembly has led to a rich and varied global interdisciplinary community, particularly in the area of functional supramolecular gels. These gels are formed by the self-assembly of small molecules into one dimensional structures that entangle to form a network. Their applications are broad; gels have been shown to be of value in the life sciences in 3D cell culture, with a number of recent spin-out companies focused in this area but also have promise as new optoelectronic materials. The inherent interdisciplinarity of the field provides opportunities for chemists, physicists, biologists and engineers to work together, but also raises a number of challenges. Exciting new developments are opening up in transient and dynamic gels, and in the techniques used to study these systems – in particular contrast-matched small-angle scattering, cryo-TEM, and super-resolution microscopy. The four themes of this meeting will bring together different research communities and particular emphasis will be placed upon the transfer of learning between the different themes.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ISPC26 — 26th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
15 jui 2025 - 20 jui 2025 • Minneapolis, Minnesota, États-Unis
International Plasma Chemistry Society (IPCS)
The aim of this Symposium is to bring together leading experts, academics, engineers, practitioners, and students working in the field of plasma chemistry and to establish an informal venue for discussions on the latest discoveries, exchange of new ideas among them and fostering new connections and collaborations. The Symposium will offer the participants a unique opportunity to gain comprehensive first-hand information on the latest developments in the field of plasma chemistry.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
15 jan 2025
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ICSC 2025 — 39th International Conference on Solution Chemistry
14 sep 2025 - 17 sep 2025 • Monastir, Tunisie
The International Conferences on Solution Chemistry (ICSC) have always brought together scientists from all over the world (professors, researchers and doctoral students) to discuss up-to-date results related to physicochemical processes in solution chemistry from Fundamentals to Industry Applications. Previous ICSC was organized in Europe, USA, Australia, Japan and China, etc. However, participation of chemists from emerging countries has generally been modest due to the relatively high costs of registration, accommodation and transport. The 39th ICSC-2025 will be held for the first time in Africa under the leadership of the ISC Steering Committee, this (in addition to the low participation costs), will encourage African and Middle Eastern young chemists to participate.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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