Conférences  >  Chimie  >  Photochimie et spectroscopie

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SciX 2024
20 oct 2024 - 25 oct 2024 • Raleigh, NC, États-Unis
Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS)
The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) has organized an international conference at the forefront of analytical chemistry and allied sciences since 1974. In 2011, this conference was renamed to the SciX Conference presented by FACSS with the tagline "The Great Scientific Exchange." The SciX conference continues to grow because it is highly valued by attendees for its technical program, world-class exhibits, and many career-building networking opportunities.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
20th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
02 mar 2025 - 07 mar 2025 • Berlin, Allemagne
The European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry (EWCPS) is a series of conferences on Plasma Spectrochemistry. The objective of the conference is to bring together plasma spectrochemists from all over the world in one European location to stimulate contacts and exchange knowledge and experiences. Plasma spectrochemistry involves analytical methods such as ICP-MS, GD-MS, ICP-AES, DCP-AES, MIP-AES, LIBS or LAMIS
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ICP 2025 — 32nd International Conference on Photochemistry
13 jul 2025 - 18 jul 2025 • Aix-la-Chapelle, Allemagne
RWTH Aachen University and FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
The conference will focus on the following topics: Frontiers in Photochemical Sciences, The Photophysics and Photochemistry of Solar Energy Conversion, Pushing the Spectroscopic and Microscopic Limits of Single Molecules, Photoswitches for Super-resolution Fluorescence Microscopy, Plasmonics & Photonics, Photochemical Reaction Kinetics and Mechanisms, Industrial Photochemistry, Photochemistry and the Sustainable Environment, New Theoretical Tools in Photochemistry, Advanced Spectroscopic Methods, Molecular Photomedicine, Photoredox Catalysis, Enriching Materials Science with Photochemistry, Light-Driven Functional Molecular Systems
ICP Organization Team;     Email.:
photochemistry, photophysics, spectroscopy, solar energy conversion, microscopy, plasmonics, photonics
Identifiant de l'évènement:
1637589 met à la disposition de ses visiteurs des listes de conférences et réunions dans le domaine scientifique. Ces listes sont publiées pour le bénéfice des personnes qui cherchent une conférence, mais aussi, bien sûr, pour celui des organisateurs. Noter que, malgré tout le soin que nous apportons à la vérification des données entrées dans nos listes, nous ne pouvons accepter de responsabilité en ce qui concerne leur exactitude ou étendue. Pensez donc à vérifier les informations présentées avec les organisateurs de la conférence ou de la réunion avant de vous engager à y participer!

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Dernière mise à jour: 12 septembre 2024