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Faraday Discussion — New horizons in nanoelectrochemistry
14 oct 2024 - 16 oct 2024 • Nanjing, Chine
Royal Society of Chemistry
At this Faraday Discussion meeting, new advances in nanoelectrochemistry will be discussed, in which individual, transient intermediate and fast charge transfer at the nanointerface can be probed, enabling a comprehensive understanding of electrochemistry at any scale (single entity to ensemble). New theoretical models are also being developed to understand the dynamic and stochastic processes during nanopore electrochemical confinement. The combination of nanoelectrochemistry with other techniques such as scanning probe microscopy or spectroscopy techniques has proven to be a useful tool for single cell imaging, dynamic electrochemical reaction tracking, which facilitates a better understanding of dynamic electron transfer processes and dynamic mass transfer at the nano-interface. New spectroscopic methods/instruments will also be included in the discussion as they relate to improving spectral and spatial resolution beyond the optical diffraction limit, as well as actively control processes at the nanoscale. This Faraday Discussion meeting will provide opportunities for nanoelectrochemisty researchers to exchange novel ideas face-to-face, further advancing this promising research field.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
40th ISE Topical Meeting — International Society of Electrochemistry
15 aou 2025 - 17 aou 2025 • Changchun, Chine
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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