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IPPTC — International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology Conference 2025
26 mar 2025 - 29 mar 2025 • Pékin, Chine
Xi'an Shiyou University
With the theme of 'Promoting diverse, resilient and sustainable technologies for the global energy sectors', International Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology Conference 2025 (IPPTC) will be held from 24-26 March at Beijing. Following the success of IPPTC in previous years, this multi-disciplined conference will be taken place at the same time with China International Petroleum and Petrochemical Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE 2025). This academic conference aims to provide an ideal opportunity for industry experts, leading engineers, researchers and technical managers as well as university scholars to share ideas and research achievements related to petroleum & petrochemical technology and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. It will create a platform to bridge the knowledge gap between China and the world.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
WGC2025 — 29th World Gas Conference (WGC2025)
19 mai 2025 - 23 mai 2025 • Pékin, Chine
Join WGC2025 in Beijing, China on 19-23 May 2025, hosted by Beijing Gas. Share your insights and shape the event theme Energizing A Sustainable Future.
Conference, Exhibition, Networking, Science, Technology, Oil, Gas
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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