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CCUS 2024 — Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Conference
09 oct 2024 - 10 oct 2024 • Houston, Texas, Royaume-Uni
Wood Mackenzie
Join us to connect with Wood Mackenzie’s experts and industry professionals and experts from across the CCUS landscape, providing you with the opportunity to exchange ideas and form valuable business relationships to build the momentum for CCUS deployment.
From plans to execution: What would it take to accelerate CCUS deployment?, Funding CCUS projects: How to get investment decisions, Connecting CO2 sources to sinks: Is existing infrastructure available or is there a need to retrofit?, Global CCUS market: The past, present and futuristic view, CO2 storage: Are there enough to capture global annual emissions?, Is widespread, global CCUS inevitable? If so, why is the world under-investing?, Capture to storage, are we ready? Updates on global storage pilot projects, Location selection: How it interplays with community engagement, Voluntary Carbon Market: Is it going to survive or is it just a fad?
Identifiant de l'évènement:
WoodMac Gas LNG Conference — Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy 2024
22 oct 2024 - 23 oct 2024 • Londres, Royaume-Uni
Wood Mackenzie
Join us at the second annual Wood Mackenzie Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference in the City of London from 22-23 October 2024 for industry expert insights and debates to gain a global perspective on themes including:
Today’s solution, tomorrow’s problem – what is the future for gas and LNG?, A pathway forward for the future of gas and LNG in Asia, Examining lowering of emissions within the gas and LNG industry, How will AI transform gas and energy?, North America: Domestic dynamics and implications on global LNG markets, What are the emerging technologies that could transform the gas and LNG industry?, Diversifying and sourcing new LNG supply, Financing gas and LNG through the energy transition, The future of pipelines, regasification, and storage in Europe, Contracts: pricing, flexibility, and indexation – what is the way forward?, Exploring key developments impacting LNG shipping
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Sujets apparentés:
WM Hydrogen 2024 — Wood Mackenzie Hydrogen Conference 2024
06 nov 2024 - 07 nov 2024 • City of London, Royaume-Uni
Wood Mackenzie
Explore the industry developments to unlock hydrogen’s role in the energy transition with Wood Mackenzie’s hydrogen research analysts as well as industry thought leaders to explore as they also examine key drivers and challenges of deploying low-carbon hydrogen.
Exploring the long-term outlook for hydrogen, Financing and cost pressures of project development: After a tough year for clean energy investment and development, will the next year be better?, Developing supporting infrastructure to enable low-carbon hydrogen to scale up, Understanding the carbon intensity of the hydrogen rainbow: Is full value-chain carbon intensity trumping the colour of hydrogen?, The role of policy and regulatory design in enabling the deployment of low-carbon hydrogen, The growing importance of electrolyser technology and procurement, Fuelling the future: developments in synthetic fuels (e-fuels) for transportation, Insights and challenges into adopting the hydrogen economy: the offtakers’ perspective
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Polymer Engineering for Energy
03 dec 2024 - 04 dec 2024 • Londres, Royaume-Uni
Applied Market Information LLC – AMI
AMI's Polymer Engineering for Energy event (formerly “Oil & Gas Non-Metallics”) has evolved to reflect continued diversification in the energy sector. Returning to London, this high-level international event is well established as the leading learning and networking forum for suppliers of polymer-based products and solutions for the energy sector. Whilst still focusing on polymer solutions for oil and gas, the event also covers new advances in polymer engineering for hydrogen service and for the global energy transition.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Polymers in Hydrogen and CCUS Infrastructure
05 dec 2024 - 06 dec 2024 • Londres, Royaume-Uni
Applied Market Information LLC – AMI
The decarbonisation trend, and the transition to a pure hydrogen economy, is affecting the entire energy supply system, putting pressure on all industries – and the polymer market is no exception. Polymers in Hydrogen and CCUS Infrastructure explores the polymer requirements and solutions for a new era of the hydrogen economy.
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