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EAWater Expo — 20th EverythingAboutWater Expo 2025
28 aou 2025 - 30 aou 2025 • New Delhi, Inde
The 20th EverythingAboutWater Expo 2025 stands as a remarkable and all-encompassing annual event in India, spotlighting cutting-edge technologies and solutions within the water sector. This event serves as an exceptional getaway for stakeholders worldwide to immerse themselves in the expansive and dynamic realm of the Indian water management industry, facilitating the exchange of business opportunities, networking, and the exploration of innovative Water solutions. India is currently on a trajectory towards severe water stress, with projections indicating a critical situation by 2025. The rapid pace of Industrialization and the burgeoning population have significantly widened the gap between water supply and demand, a matter of deep concern for both the Central and State Governments. Within the framework of the 20th Everything About Water Expo 2025, unparalleled business prospects will emerge for both domestic and international players in the Water Industry. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights, discover future trends, and navigate the evolving landscape of the Indian Water market.
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