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12th International FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model & 3D Land Administration
24 sep 2024 - 26 sep 2024 • Kuching, Sarawak, Malaisie
The workshop aims to bring together experts from the industry, government, and academia, to present and discuss LADM and/or 3D LA related developments including live demonstrations of LADM implementations (operational systems, pilots, prototypes). The workshop will also cover informal or customary rights (, restrictions, resposibilities) as exiting in many countries, next to the more formal rights that are being registered. UN-Habitat is using the LADM specialization STDM (Social Tenure Domain Model) in 17 countries to register these informal/customary rights. Also, UN-FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)'s SOLA (Solutions for Open Land Administration)/Open Tenure and USAID's MAST (Mobile Applications to Secure Tenure) infomation models are all based on LADM. Speakers who want to share their experiences on implementation are cordially invited to participate. This workshop will provide solid input to the "Implementation" part of Edition II of LADM, to be developed in collaboration with OGC. The workshop should enable making important choices, such as the technical encodings.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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