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Benelux RF Conference
28 mai 2025 • Veldhoven, Pays-Bas
Techwatch B.V.
We are excited to announce that the next edition of the Benelux RF Conference will be held on 28 May 2025 at Mikrocentrum in Veldhoven. The conference will offer an in-depth program on the latest trends and developments in the advanced RF field, an exhibition floor and a networking dinner at the end of the day. The program features presenters from a broad spectrum of companies who will teach you about the latest trends in the development and application of high-end RF techniques. Join in-depth sessions on front-end design, packaging, antenna technology, test & measurement and more. An entrance ticket includes admission to the program, lunch, drinks, and dinner at the end of the day. Make sure to sign up in time!
Tél.: [+31 24 3503532];     Email.:
Radio Frequency, RF energy, RF power, product-specific applications, innovative solutions, advanced wireless technology
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Benelux RF Conference
28 mai 2025 • Veldhoven, Pays-Bas
Techwatch B.V.
We are excited to announce that the next edition of the Benelux RF Conference will be held on 28 May 2025 at Mikrocentrum in Veldhoven. The conference will offer an in-depth program on the latest trends and developments in the advanced RF field, an exhibition floor and a networking dinner at the end of the day. The program features presenters from a broad spectrum of companies who will teach you about the latest trends in the development and application of high-end RF techniques. Join in-depth sessions on front-end design, packaging, antenna technology, test & measurement and more. An entrance ticket includes admission to the program, lunch, drinks, and dinner at the end of the day. Make sure to sign up in time!
Tél.: [+31 24 3503532];     Email.:
Radio Frequency, RF energy, RF power, product-specific applications, innovative solutions, advanced wireless technology
Identifiant de l'évènement:
1647306 met à la disposition de ses visiteurs des listes de conférences et réunions dans le domaine scientifique. Ces listes sont publiées pour le bénéfice des personnes qui cherchent une conférence, mais aussi, bien sûr, pour celui des organisateurs. Noter que, malgré tout le soin que nous apportons à la vérification des données entrées dans nos listes, nous ne pouvons accepter de responsabilité en ce qui concerne leur exactitude ou étendue. Pensez donc à vérifier les informations présentées avec les organisateurs de la conférence ou de la réunion avant de vous engager à y participer!

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