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CEES2024 — 1st International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Resilient, Smart and Sustainable Solutions
03 nov 2024 - 05 nov 2024 • Al Khobar, Arabie saoudite
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University
PMU takes initiative to organize the first international conference on civil and environmental engineering for resilient, smart, and sustainable solutions (CEES 2024) to be held at the PMU complex in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia on November 3-5. The conference aims to exchange scientific information and knowledge in the development of recent and future infrastructures that are resilient, smart, and sustainable. The conference provides an excellent environment for government policy makers, practicing professional engineers, researchers, university professors, students, and general public to extend their interests and expertise in addressing and solving the infrastructure issues faced by societies. Refining strategic plan for infrastructure municipalities, research collaboration among academicians, project initiations are just few examples of potential outcomes expected during and after this conference. The conference platform is based on traditional and contemporary topics in civil engineering including structure, geotechnical, environmental, water resources, transportation, and construction management.
Tél.: [0592479146];     Email.:
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Smart, Resilient, Sustainable
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