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ICMSSM 2025 — The 10th International Conference on Mechanical Structures and Smart Materials
17 mai 2025 - 19 mai 2025 • Bangkok, Thaïlande
ICMSSM 2025 is the 10th edition in this series of conferences started in 2013 that are devoted to around the design and analysis of mechanical structures that incorporate smart materials. ICMSSM is a famous event worldwide that covers many dimensions of adaptive structural design, smart materials for intelligent sensing and monitoring systems, energy harvesting and storage, vibration control and damping, biomechanics. This conference provides a forum for academics and practitioners from all over the world to exchange ideas on integration of smart materials into mechanical structures for creating more efficient, adaptive, and resilient systems. We hope this conference will become a key player in shaping the future of engineering and materials science.
Tél.: [+86 13125407442];     Email.:
Mechanical Science and Technology Advances, Smart Structures and Systems, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Materials Manufacturing and Processing, Methodology of Research and Analysis and Modeling
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ICMSSM 2025 — The 10th International Conference on Mechanical Structures and Smart Materials
17 mai 2025 - 19 mai 2025 • Bangkok, Thaïlande
ICMSSM 2025 is the 10th edition in this series of conferences started in 2013 that are devoted to around the design and analysis of mechanical structures that incorporate smart materials. ICMSSM is a famous event worldwide that covers many dimensions of adaptive structural design, smart materials for intelligent sensing and monitoring systems, energy harvesting and storage, vibration control and damping, biomechanics. This conference provides a forum for academics and practitioners from all over the world to exchange ideas on integration of smart materials into mechanical structures for creating more efficient, adaptive, and resilient systems. We hope this conference will become a key player in shaping the future of engineering and materials science.
Tél.: [+86 13125407442];     Email.:
Mechanical Science and Technology Advances, Smart Structures and Systems, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Materials Manufacturing and Processing, Methodology of Research and Analysis and Modeling
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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