Human-centered privacy resides in the intersection of privacy and human-computer interaction (HCI) research. It investigates users' privacy perceptions, concerns, and awareness in various settings, and also the understanding, usefulness, and usage of various privacy-enhancing technologies. On the one hand, the advance of Internet of Things, smart spaces, and AI have raised new questions that need to be investigated, e.g., how to negotiate privacy settings in the presence of different users of the same system, or how to improve the transparency of AI systems. On the other hand, there are many questions that have been explored for decades, but need to be adapted to these new areas and domains, such as "What is a privacy decision?" and "What information do users need to make a privacy decision?". Moreover, the multitude of users also includes at-risk and vulnerable populations that interact (sometimes unwillingly or unknowingly) with digital systems, and require additional research to understand their needs.