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4th IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows
23. Jun 2025 - 26. Jun 2025 • Cambridge, Großbritannien
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Flows involving solid particulates are ubiquitous in nature and industry alike. Such flows are found in pharmaceutical production, the chemical industry, the food and agricultural industries, energy production and the environment. Many unsolved problems remain, however. In order to be able to solve problems, granular flows need to be understood so that their behaviour can be controlled and predicted. We are able to describe rapid granular flows, where the particles are highly agitated and there has been some success describing static systems. The intermediate regime, where these two phases meet and coexist, is not as well understood and yet is the most commonly observed behaviour of granular flow. The objective of this meeting will be to interface the two ends of the particulate flow spectrum – those working to understand the fundamentals of granular flows and those attempting to control particulate flows in an industrial setting – to develop solutions to the complex problems presented by dense granular flows.
Email: conferences@ima.org.uk
dense granular flow, biological systems, self-propelled particles and geological flows, exploring new developments in theoretical analysis and experimental techniques.
IMA Mathematics Anxiety International conference
24. Jun 2025 - 26. Jun 2025 • Cambridge, Großbritannien
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
The 1st IMA Mathematics Anxiety International Conference will take place at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, the University of Cambridge, in the heart of the historical city. It aims to bring together researchers, academics, teachers, publishers, policy makers and all interested in the conference theme from all over the world. We particularly welcome submissions from researchers (at any stage) in interdisciplinary fields such as education, psychological and behavioural science, and sociology and envisage a number of themes
Email: conferences@ima.org.uk
Mathematics anxiety reported by non-specialists, students studying disciplines other than mathematics, Gender and other dimensions to mathematics anxiety, negative emotions, unfavourable attitudes, motivation, communication, self-efficacy, mathematical self-concept, resilience to failure, and autonomy, Precursors and impacts of mathematics anxiety, Communicating and teaching quantitative courses such as mathematics, statistics, research methods and operational research, Pedagogical interventions to support mathematics anxiety sufferers such as blended learning, mindset interventions, those designed to enhance self-efficacy, student-led education, and student-voice, Interventions such as brain stimulation, Promoting equity, inclusion and diversity (EDI), in mathematics education
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