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CTI 2025 — Telecommunications & Information
04. Jun 2025 • Opatija, Kroatien
MIPRO Croatian Society
The CTI conference is a traditional forum for scientists and practitioners in the merging area of telecommunications and information and communication technology. The conference is an opportunity for researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested to exchange experience and research results, and to discuss different aspects of emerging communication technology and approaches to solving identified challenges in this field. The scope of the conference is Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its application in different domains.
Zeljka Car;     Tel.: [+38551423984];     Email: zeljka.car@fer.hr
Integration of Information and Telecommunication Systems, Interactions of ICT with Other Technologies, Research and Development of ICT Systems, Wireless and Wireline Communications, Optical Communications in Core and Access Networks, Satellite Communications; New Generations Networks, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, 5G Mobile Network and Beyond - Theory, Practice, Predictions, Security, Control and Management in Communication Networks, Network Performances and Quality of Service; Dependability and Protocols, Network Modeling, Simulation, Security, and Energy Efficiency, Telecom Cognitive Technology, Information Security and Signal Processing, Enterprise Infrastructure and Applications, Internet of Things/Everything (IoT/IoE) and Smart Society Concept, Intelligent IoT (IIoT), ICT Solutions Based on Emerging Technologies (Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality), Holographic Communication, Machine Learning, Robotics, Accessibility and Assistive Technology; Technology for Inclusive Society, m-Health / e-Health / Ambient Assisted Living, Biomedical Applications of ICT, Social Influences and Responsibilities of ICTs, Human Factors in Service Personalization, Self-Service Platforms for End Users, Telecommunications for Industry 5.0
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
16. Dez 2024

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