Konferenzen zum Thema Kryptographie, Blockchain und Informationssicherheit im Iran

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ICNAA — Noncommutative Algebra and Its Applications
09. Mai 2022 - 12. Mai 2022 • Tehran, Iran
Tarbiat Modares University
The works of the conference concern, on one hand, classical aspects of ring and module theory and, on the other, some applications of this theory, focusing on coding theory and cryptography in which rings and modules play a substantial role.
Tel.: [00989307733656];     Email: moussavi_a5@yahoo.com
Keynote speakers: M. Amini (Iran), P. Ara (Spain), A. Badawi (UAE), A. Facchini (Italy), D. Herbera (Spain), A. Leroy (France), R. Mazurek (Poland), C. Roman (USA), D. Smerting (Austria), A. Srivastava (USA), J. Wood (USA), M. Yousif (USA)
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