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ANTS XVI — Sixteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium
15. Jul 2024 - 19. Jul 2024 • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten
The ANTS meetings, held biannually since 1994, are the premier international forum for the presentation of new research in computational number theory and its applications. They are devoted to algorithmic aspects of number theory, including elementary number theory, algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, geometry of numbers, algebraic geometry, finite fields, and cryptography.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
FMCP 2024 — NIST Workshop on Formal Methods within Certification Programs 2024
23. Jul 2024 - 25. Jul 2024 • Rockville, Vereinigte Staaten
NIST will host the on Formal Methods within Certification Programs (FMCP 2024) on July 23-25, 2024, at the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence in Rockville, Maryland.
Topics for discussion include: Software formal methods of different families: model checking, interactive proof, use of SMT and SAT solvers, static analysis How formal methods can fit within existing validation programs and potential impacts on stakeholders, e.g., pragmatics of allowing some current testing-based requirements to be fulfilled by submitting machine-checkable proofs or running certain automated tool Approaches to reduce the requirement for NIST and other standards authorities to trust vendors to validate their systems correctly, e.g., thanks to rechecking of formal proof Opportunities to build community understanding of formal methods through discussion in NIST reports, e.g., on how to think about the trust consequences of different combinations of formal tools Pragmatic paths to adoption that use less rigorous methods with shallower learning curves Overviews of current and upcoming NIST programs and tools (like the Automated Cryptographic Validation Testing System [ACVTS] and Automated Cryptographic Module Validation Protocol [AMVP]) that may both be of direct interest to formal-methods researchers and serve as examples of current modes of interaction with vendors
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
27. Mai 2024
Crypto 2024 — 44th Annual International Cryptology Conference
18. Aug 2024 - 22. Aug 2024 • Santa Barbara, Vereinigte Staaten
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
13. Feb 2024

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Stand vom 1. Februar 2024