Konferenzen zum Thema Netzgemeinschaften und Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie in Italien

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CWDE 2021 — Social connections and well-being in the digital era
23. Aug 2021 - 27. Aug 2021 • Lake Como, Italien
Lake Como School of Advanced Studies
The summer school “Social connections and well-being in the digital era” aims at offering an overview of the most cutting-edge theories and research with a strong interdisciplinary approach. The three fundamental pillars on which its main program is built are psychology, sociology, and communication. These three pillars reflect the expertise of the three directors, Paolo Riva (Psychology), Marco Gui (Sociology) and Moritz Büchi (Communication). However, references and contributions will be offered from complementary domains such as educational science, computer science, and economics.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:

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Stand vom 08. Februar 2021