The primary goal of the Masamu (masamu means mathematics in Southern Africa) Program is to enhance research in mathematical sciences and related areas within Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association (SAMSA) institutions and beyond through promotion of international research collaboration. The Masamu Program was established in 2010 with the support of the US National Science Foundation. A key component of the Masamu Program is the Masamu Advanced Study Institute (MASI) and Workshop Series in mathematical sciences and related areas that provides a platform for such collaboration. Other activities include Research Workshop, Career Development Workshop, High Performance Computing Workshop, STEM Education Workshop, Department Heads and Chairs and Senior Research Scientists Workshop, Colloquia, Faculty Exchange and Study Abroad Programs. The target audiences of the Advanced Study Institute are graduate students, postdocs, and early career faculty (rank less than associate professor) while the workshops are open to students, faculty, and other researchers in the mathematical sciences and related areas.