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ICAN-OPT_NEPAL_2025 — Conference on Non-linear Analysis and Optimization
08. Mai 2025 - 10. Mai 2025 • Kathmandu University, Nepal
Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel in collaboration of Tribhuvan University, Nepal Sanskrit University and Nepal Mathematical Society
The conference intends to bring together experts, faculties, students and researchers from classical and applied mathematics and from a variety of many other disciplines, where mathematics finds its numerous applications. The primary objective of the conference is to offer a common platform to interact with each other, to share their knowledge and experiences as well as to exchange their innovative ideas, views, and discuss the topics of mutual interests in the challenging and widely applied domain of mathematical analysis. The conference also offers the participants an opportunity to be familiar with the contemporary developments and recent trends in the subject and acquaint the young researchers.
Non-linear Analysis, Fixed point theory, Operator Theory; Complex Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Wavelet Analysis, Special Functions; Functional Analysis, Fourier Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Convex Analysis; Optimization Theory, Queueing Theory, Finance & Economics; Differential Equations, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modelling; Data Science and Machine Learning

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Stand vom 17. Februar 2025