Konferenzen  >  Mathematik  >  Infinitesimalrechnung, Differentialgleichungen, Integralrechnung  >  Polen

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Workshop on Differential Equations and Their Applications
04. Mai 2025 - 10. Apr 2025 • Będlewo, Polen
Banach Center
The workshop will focus on the theory of differential equations and their applications to natural, health and social sciences, as well as engineering. We wish to provide a platform to continue the discussions, address questions and problems that arose online, communicate the latest results in the theory of differential equations, and exchange ideas between different research centres. We hope to finalize research projects initiated at the seminars and establish long-lasting collaborations to work on new projects. We envisage significant participation of postgraduate students and emerging researchers who will benefit from plenary and invited lectures of leading scientists in the field and will be able to present their research in the form of contributed talks and poster presentations.
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Stand vom 17. Februar 2025