Konferenzen  >  Mathematik  >  Computer-gestütztes Beweisen  >  Vereinigte Staaten

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Autoformalization for the Working Mathematician
24. Apr 2025 - 27. Apr 2025 • Providence, RI, Vereinigte Staaten
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics
A large community of pure mathematicians has recognized the importance of formal verification in modern mathematics and is looking forward to systems like Lean becoming an everyday tool in research. At the same time, automated theorem proving has recently become popular in the machine learning community as a benchmark and stepping stone for the more general task of automated reasoning. The goal of this workshop is to bring these communities together. We will have talks and tutorials that introduce mathematicians to Lean and to state-of-the-art technologies in automated theorem proving. We will also discuss future research directions, tooling, and other ways to make this technology more useful to working mathematicians. Our medium-term goal is to initiate an effort in the mathematical community to develop a well-aligned dataset that can be used to benchmark models for tasks that are close to the use cases of working mathematicians. The first afternoon of the workshop will be a hackathon whose goal is to create tools that will aid mathematicians in this dataset creation.
ICERM Program Staff;     Email: info@icerm.brown.edu
Lean, automated theorem proving, proof, verification, machine learning
Summer School — Computer Assisted Proofs in Applied Mathematics
07. Jul 2025 - 18. Jul 2025 • Berkeley, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath)
Computer assisted proofs are at the forefront of modern mathematics, and have led to many important recent mathematical advances. They provide a way of melding analytical techniques with numerical methods, in order to provide rigorous statements for mathematical models that could not be treated by either method alone. In this summer school, students will review standard computational and analytical techniques, learn to combine these techniques with more specialized methods of interval arithmetic and automatic differentiation, and apply these methods to establish rigorous results in otherwise intractable problems.

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Stand vom 4. Februar 2025