Conférences  >  Sciences de la Terre  >  Écosystèmes, environnement et développement durable  >  Australie

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ASA2025 — 58th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association
02 dec 2025 - 05 dec 2025 • Melbourne, Australie
The University of Melbourne and The Architectural Science Association
The 58th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ASA) is being hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Australia. It will take place in the unique 6 Star Green Star building of the faculty. The conference focuses on the multidisciplinary nature of architecture and on the positive outcomes of the collaboration between academia, practice and industry. On behalf of the organising committee, we would like to welcome you to ASA2025. The conference will begin with an evening welcome reception on Tuesday 2nd December, followed by 3 full days of cutting edge research from around the world.
Conference Organiser;     Email.:
Architecture and environment, Architecture and social research, Building and city information modelling, Buildings and energy, Built environment performance assessment, Construction, materials and technology, Design education and design research, Environmental and landscape architecture, Generative, parametric and evolutionary architecture, Interactive environments and collaboration, Interface between research and industry, Modes of production and mass customization, Theory, philosophy and methodology in architectural science, Thermal comfort, lighting and acoustics
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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