Conférences  >  Sciences de la Terre  >  Écosystèmes, environnement et développement durable  >  Suisse

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IECL2025 — The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Land
04 sep 2025 - 05 sep 2025 • Online, Suisse
The conference will address the philosophy and key interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methodological approaches of land system sciences. Considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we aim to discuss the state of the art in the nexus of land systems and global change, the intersection of food, land, water, energy, socioeconomic and political land issues, land–climate interactions, land use planning and architecture, ecosystem services, women's land rights, and the challenges posed by land entropy in the global South. Agreements such as the European Landscape Convention and their relevance in protecting and restoring cultural landscapes, the natural heritage, and the diversity of land systems are expected to be discussed. Other relevant governance instruments and governance mixes that translate land system science outputs into policies and conventions will be debated against their efficiency and success in order to assess how to further develop them.
Conference Secretariats;     Email.:
Land conflict, SDG, Land governance, Climate Change, Nature based solutions
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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