Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Mathématiques numériques  >  Chine

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Structured Mesh Methods for Moving Interface and Free Boundary Problems and Applications
20 oct 2024 - 25 oct 2024 • Hangzhou, Chine
Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM)
Free boundaries and moving interfaces are ubiquitous in our daily activities such as pouring red wine into a glass, jumping into a swimming pool, or watching water waves at the beach. Other processes involving interfaces are much less visible, but have great impacts on our lives. For example, one mechanism by which cancel cells move around is to change the shape of their boundaries. As another example, three major components in our blood are the red cells, the white cells, and platelets; injure of blood vessels will trigger complicated chemical reactions and physical processes that occur on the interface of these cells. It is therefore extremely important to solve key problems in this scientific field so that we can save money, energy, time, and even human lives. One major tool for sciences in this field is through mathematical modeling and numerical computations. This workshop aims to bring together experts from various disciplines to work together on the analysis, modeling, computation, and applications of a wide range of free-boundary and moving-interface problems.
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Sujets apparentés:
WALCOM 2025 — 19th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation
28 fév 2025 - 02 mar 2025 • Chengdu, Chine
Algorithms and Logic Group @ University of Electronic Science and Technology of China , Theoretical Computer Science Committee of China Computer Federation (CCF)
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
22 sep 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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