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RESEARCH IN RESIDENCE — The Hele-Shaw flow with elasticity: Wasserstein flow and phase-field approximation
07 avr 2025 - 11 avr 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
Our project focuses on understanding the interplay between elasticity and the classical Hele-Shaw model, with the long-term of simplifying the model and improving its suitability for numerical applications and algorithmic development. Our first aim is to show existence of solutions via the convergence of an implicit time-discretization using the Wasserstain distance. We expect the limit to satisfy the equation in a distributional sense as well as an optimal energy-dissipation relation. Similarly, we construct weak solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility and elastic misfits. Finally, we aim to prove that the sharp interface limit is a distributional solution to the elastically modified Hele–Shaw flow with optimal energy-dissipation rate.
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M&C 2025 — International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering
27 avr 2025 - 30 avr 2025 • Denver, CO, États-Unis
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
The International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2025) is part of a series of topical meetings organized by the Mathematics and Computation Division of the American Nuclear Society. M&C conferences, held every two years, represent a series of international forums organized and sponsored to bring together worldwide expertise related to nuclear science or technology, including mathematical and computational methods, numerical analysis, computer codes, computer architectures, and benchmarks for computationally solving problems in all disciplines encompassed by the Society.
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Sujets apparentés:
RESEARCH SCHOOL — Physics and Mathematics of hydrodynamic and wave turbulence
26 mai 2025 - 30 mai 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
The school will introduce participants to several hot research topics at the frontier between geophysical fluid dynamics, fundamental physics and mathematics. The main themes will be spontaneous stochasticity, waves in geophysical and astrophysical fluids and fundamental challenges in hydrodynamic and wave turbulence. The school will consist of several lecture series, plus a number of research seminars, covering mathematical, theoretical and experimental aspects. The school is organized in the framework of an international collaboration which started in 2019 and which is financially supported by the Simons Foundation ( This “Simons Collaboration on Wave Turbulence” brings together physicists and mathematicians with the aim of addressing fundamental questions about the Wave Turbulence theory and its applicability to real systems and especially to the Earth climate system.
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Blurring the lines between pure and applied through mixing
01 jui 2025 - 06 jui 2025 • Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Isle of Skye, Royaume-Uni
The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS)
Recent mathematical breakthroughs have advanced our understanding of how fluids mix advected quantities like passive dyes and active densities. These discoveries impact statistical turbulence laws, dissipation enhancement, hydrodynamic stability, and convection processes. This one-week workshop will focus on rigorous mathematical findings, physical aspects of fluid mixing, and computational approaches, by bringing together several experts and future leaders in these fields.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
COMPUMAG 2025 — The 24th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields
22 jui 2025 - 26 jui 2025 • Naples, Italie
COMPUMAG 2025, the 24th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, will be held in Naples, Italy, from June 22 to 25, 2025. It is co-organized by 9 teams from the Italian community of Computational Electromagnetism. The conference venue is the Hotel Royal Continental, located in the heart of Naples. Since its creation in 1976, COMPUMAG has been one of the most important events in the field of computational electromagnetics for researchers all over the world to present their latest research advances, to share professional experiences, to exchange new ideas and to expand their professional networks.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
GS25 — SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences
14 oct 2025 - 17 oct 2025 • Baton Rouge, Louisiana, États-Unis
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
The study of geophysical systems, whether from a scientific or technological perspective, calls for sophisticated mathematical modeling, efficient computational methods, and pervasive integration with data. This conference aims to stimulate the exchange of ideas among geoscientific modelers, applied mathematicians, engineers, and other scientists, having special interests in the range of geophysical domains from the deep subsurface to the atmosphere.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Kinetic theory: Novel statistical, stochastic and analytical method
20 oct 2025 - 24 oct 2025 • Berkeley CA, États-Unis
This workshop will explore the latest advances in kinetic theory and stochastic particle dynamics in mean field regimes, covering both classical themes and emerging areas. Topics will include the derivation of kinetic type equations from particle and plasma systems, state-of-the-art numerical methods, studies of multiscale phenomena, and the applications of kinetic equations in physics, chemistry, computer sciences appearing in life sciences, social sciences, and machine learning. This workshop will offer an exciting opportunity to connect researchers from all stages and sub-areas and spark new ideas.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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