Conférences  >  Ingénieries  >  Robotique, automation & mécatronique  >  Espagne

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AstroRob 2023 — Seventh Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories
16 oct 2023 - 20 oct 2023 • Malaga, Espagne
Institute for Astrophysics of Andalucia / University of Málaga
14 years after the celebration of the First Workshop on robotic autonomous observatories in Málaga, the number of automatic astronomical facilities worldwide has significantly grown, as well as the level of robotisation, autonomy, and networking, with many recent developments motivated by the search of new electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational waves in the next months. This has a strong impact in many other astrophysical fields, like fireballs detection, minor planet studies, the search for extra-solar planets, the monitoring of variable stars in our Galaxy, the study of active galactic nuclei, the detection and monitoring of supernovae, and the immediate follow-up of high-energy transients such as cosmic gamma-ray bursts, besides the search of neutrino and gravitational waves electromagnetic counterparts. Last, but not least, space debris surveillance and tracking is another field of increasing interest. Educational aspects will be also covered.
existing robotic observatories worldwide, new hardware and software developments, real-time analysis pipelines, wide-field imaging and follow-ups, archiving the data and quality control, telescope and observatory control systems, transient detection and classification, protocols for robotic telescopes networks, scientific results, public outreach, citizen science, global networks, educational applications, future strategies, space debris surveillance and tracking
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