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8th International Hybrid Power Plants & Systems Workshop 2024
14 mai 2024 - 15 mai 2024 • Azores, Portugal
One challenge of island grids and micro-grids is to maintain the balance between production and consumption. Diesel generators are still frequently used for this task. Due to the unavoidable dependence on fuel price and delivery options, and the environmental impact, alternatives are being sought. Wind and solar power are independent of imported fuels and environmentally friendly, and therefore the logical choice for island and micro-grids. However, these renewable energies are dependent on variable resource availability; hence their maximum production capacity is subject to natural fluctuations. It is therefore important to develop strategies for how to align production and consumption in the best possible way and to find the perfect combination of conventional and renewable energy. The 8th International Hybrid Power Plants & Systems Workshop offers a prime opportunity to discuss the future of hybrid power systems.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
15 jan 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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