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Course at the 244th ECS Meeting — Electrodeposition for Energy Applications
08 oct 2023 • Gothembourg, Suède
The Electrochemical Society (ECS)
Electrodeposition is widely being used in the fabrication of materials and devices, and most recently this technique has been successfully applied to the fabrication of various components in energy conversion systems. This course will offer the opportunity to students, researchers and practitioners with a variety of technical backgrounds to be introduced for the first time or to refresh their understanding of the fundamentals of the technique, as well as to gain a perspective of its potentials in nanostructure fabrication, with particular focus on energy conversion and storage application. In this course the attendees will gain practical knowledge of the methods and techniques used in the synthesis of catalysts for fuel cells, components for batteries and capacitors, and radiation absorbers for photovoltaic and photelectrochemical devices.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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