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NuMat 2024 — The Nuclear Materials Conference
14 oct 2024 - 17 oct 2024 • Singapore , Singapour
The Nuclear Materials Conference (NuMat) was created in 2012 in association with the Journal of Nuclear Materials to serve as an umbrella for international meetings on nuclear materials science related to fission and fusion reactors and the overall nuclear fuel cycle. Following on from NuMat 2022 in Ghent, Belgium, where over 500 delegates presented their work, NuMat 2024 will focus on broad topics of interest to the nuclear materials community centered around nuclear fuels, structural materials, and fundamental & applied radiation effects in metals, ceramics, polymers, and functional materials. For the 2024 meeting, three additional plenary sessions will cover the rapidly growing status of nuclear power in Southeast Asia. Two tracks will focus on fuels, two on structural materials, and one on radiation effects and damage in other types of nuclear materials. There will be seven plenary speakers, plus an opening plenary from the 2024 recipient of the Robert Cahn award, and a presentation from the best paper prize recipient from the Journal of Nuclear Materials.
Metallic alloys for structural components, Refractory metallic materials, Cladding materials including coatings, Fuel materials, absorbers, and fuel cladding interaction, Cement & ceramics, Polymers, Advanced manufacturing, Simulation of radiation damage, Fundamental radiation effects in materials, Linking simulations and experiments in nuclear materials
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
16 avr 2024
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