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IOCAG2025 — The 3rd International Online Conference on Agriculture
22. Okt 2025 - 24. Okt 2025 • Online, Schweiz
Agriculture was a major development in human history, which led to the rise and flourishing of civilization. It plays a critical role in human society, serving as the backbone of the economic system. Modern agriculture provides raw materials for most of the world’s food and for many industrial products, including textiles. Significant scientific and technological advances over the years have led to great increases in agricultural productivity as well as to reducing environmental impacts. Nevertheless, agricultural systems of the future face huge challenges in balancing and optimizing productivity and profitability against the stewardship of ecosystems and natural resources. This conference will provide an online open forum for agricultural scientists and engineers to discuss these challenges and share their latest research achievements in agricultural science and technology. Sessions of the conference will be organized around the following topics:

S1: Climate-Smart Agriculture: Practices, Determinants, Productivity, and Efficiency;

S2: Ecosystem, Environment, and Climate Change in Agriculture;

S3: Agricultural Systems and Management;

S4: Zero-Pollution Solutions in Crop Protection;

S5: Agriculture Water Management;

S6: Smart Farming: From Sensor to Artificial Intelligence;

S7: Agricultural Soil;

S8: Crop Production;

S9: Farm Animal Production.

The IOCAG2025 conference will bring together researchers from all over the world without concerns over travel or other related expenditures. The conference will feature live-streamed webinars and include both invited speakers and contributed speakers selected from the submissions received.

The conference invites submissions of abstracts, which will be reviewed by the Conference Committee. All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference’s website. In addition, all participants will be encouraged to submit a full paper to one dedicated Special Issue in Agriculture, with a 20% discount on the article processing charge (APC).

Conference Secretariat;     Email: iocag2025@mdpi.com

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Stand vom 10. November 2024