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Dagstuhl-Seminar — Generative AI in Programming Education
27. Jul 2025 - 01. Aug 2025 • Schloss Dagstuhl – Wadern, Deutschland
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH
This Dagstuhl Seminar aims to bring together experts and stakeholders in Generative AI and computing education to foster collaboration and to chart a way forward as Generative AI continues to improve and proliferate. It is the goal of this seminar to leverage the experience and knowledge of dozens of programming education experts from around the world to form an enduring community of practice. During the Dagstuhl Seminar, we intend to develop strategies for incorporating LLMs into programming education and to rigorously evaluate their use and impact. This seminar will explore the following topics in the context of Generative AI in programming education: accessibility; diversity, equality, and inclusion; resources; introductory programming for computer science majors and non-majors; advanced courses (that use programming); curriculum changes; novel pedagogies, approaches and tools; and industry use and changes that may lead to new learning outcomes.

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Stand vom 5. Juli 2024