Konferenzen zum Thema Augenheilkunde in Großbritannien

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True Blues and Real Reds: how human vision colours the world
26. Mai 2021 • London, Großbritannien
SCI (Society of Chemical Industry)
People consume a vast quantity of digital images daily, more so than ever in the online life of a locked-down world. How true are the colours in images to the natural world? The answer takes us to the heart of what it means to see. Although chemistry – that rock-solid science of reality - is at the core of colour, the science of the mind ultimately holds the key. Colour, like no other visual phenomenon, encapsulates the individual variability of minds, and reveals how the environment, culture, and development shape what we see. Contemporary innovations in lighting technology and image processing further challenge what colour means in the natural and digital world.
Conference Team;     Tel.: [+44 (0)20 7598 1561];     Email: conferences@soci.org
vision, colour, neuroscience, digital imaging, lighting technology
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Stand vom 10. Mai 2021