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3rd Reproductive Aging Conference
01. Mai 2024 - 04. Mai 2025 • Playa del Carmen, Mexiko
Fusion Conferences
Aging in the gonad dramatically affects aging in somatic tissues, yet we know little about the mechanisms regulating healthy aging in reproductive organs, nor how this crosstalk is achieved. The Reproductive Aging Conference focuses on understanding mechanisms that regulate aging in reproductive tissues and their relationship to overall organismal healthspan and longevity. To our knowledge, this is the only international meeting dedicated entirely to the topic of reproductive aging.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
3rd Metabolism in Health & Disease: Understanding the Role of Metabolism in Development, Physiology and Disease Conference
01. Okt 2024 - 04. Okt 2024 • St. Julians, Malta
Fusion Conferences
In recent years it has come into focus that many different tissues and cell types undergo metabolic changes that directly impact their function and differentiation. As such, correct metabolic re-wiring is beneficial and a requirement for appropriate cellular responses, while aberrant metabolic reprogramming can lead to inappropriate function and have implications on a wide variety of disease states. In spite of recent advances in the field of metabolism, our understanding of the mechanisms underlying how metabolites signal, how metabolic reprogramming occurs, and how cellular organelles modulate these processes remains limited. In this meeting we aim to bring together researchers from different areas of biology, that may otherwise have little crossover, but for their common interest in how metabolism impacts cell differentiation and function.
IECN2024 — The 4th International Electronic Conference on Nutrients - Plant-Based Nutrition Focusing on Innovation, Health, and Sustainable Food Systems
16. Okt 2024 - 18. Okt 2024 • Online, Schweiz
Welcome to this virtual online conference, an exclusive meeting dedicated to the latest developments in scientific research in the field of nutrient research, with a focus on innovations for health and sustainability. This conference aims to serve as a multidisciplinary platform for the exploration of innovative research and advancements in nutrient science. Emphasizing both macro- and micronutrients, the conference will delve into novel methodologies for nutrient extraction, bioavailability, and functional food development. Analytical techniques such as metabolomics, proteomics, and nutrient profiling will be discussed in the context of their application to food safety and quality. As the global search for healthier and more sustainable diets intensifies, the role of nutrients and lifestyle modification are at the forefront. For a healthier and more sustainable diet, it is clear that most people will need to incorporate more plant-based foods into their diet. Moreover, as we strive to feed a growing world population, the role of plant-based foods becomes increasingly critical. The aim is to explore the effectiveness of using plant-based nutrition as a primary approach in preventing, suspending, and even reversing chronic diseases. Furthermore, the conference aims to foster dialogue on the critical intersections between nutrient science, public health, and sustainable food systems. Our collective goal is to challenge existing scientific paradigms, broaden the scope of research, and contribute to an integrated approach where innovation, health, and sustainability coexist harmoniously.
Event Secretariat;     Email: iecn2024@mdpi.com
S1. Plant-Based Diets: Health and Well-being, S2. Innovation in Dietary Choices, S3. Diet and Chronic Disease Management, S4. Global Nutrition Trends: Shaping Health and Athletic Performance, S5. Behavioral Approaches to Healthier Eating, S6. Nutrition Across the Lifespan
DAG — 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Adipositas Gesellschaft e.V.
16. Okt 2024 - 18. Okt 2024 • Köln, Deutschland
Das Motto „Wandel gestalten – Lösungen finden“ dient als Leitfaden für einen breiten interdisziplinären Austausch in der Prävention und Behandlung der Adipositas. Wir freuen uns daher, dass die Deutsche Adipositas-Gesellschaft (DAG) in dieser Jahrestagung von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention (DGSP) unterstützt wird.
Kongressbüro: event lab. GmbH;     Tel.: [0341 30 88 84-71];     Email: bschulte@eventlab.org
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
Cancer and Metabolism 2025
09. Feb 2025 - 10. Feb 2025 • Austin, TX, Vereinigte Staaten
This two-day academic conference owill bring together researchers to explore the complex interactions between metabolic reprogramming and cancer biology. This event aims to foster collaboration and inspire new approaches in cancer research and treatment. The conference will feature sessions on four critical topics: host-tumor interaction, immunometabolism & tumor microenvironment, tumor initiation, therapy & progression, and diet & nutrient transporters. Short talk and poster presentation opportunities are available for in-person attendees. Visit the website for more information.
Abcam Events;     Email: events@abcam.com
cancer, metabolism, immunometabolism, tumor microenvironment, host-tumor interaction, diet transporters, cancer biology, metabolic reprogramming
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
Conference — 5th Growth Factors in Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine Conference
14. Feb 2025 - 17. Feb 2025 • Punta Cana, Dominikanische Republik
Amy Johnson, Conference Manager;     Email: amy@fusion-conferences.com
Growth Factors, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Repair, Developmental Biology
Verwandte Fachgebiete:

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Stand vom 24. August 2024