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3rd Reproductive Aging Conference
01. Mai 2024 - 04. Mai 2025 • Playa del Carmen, Mexiko
Fusion Conferences
Aging in the gonad dramatically affects aging in somatic tissues, yet we know little about the mechanisms regulating healthy aging in reproductive organs, nor how this crosstalk is achieved. The Reproductive Aging Conference focuses on understanding mechanisms that regulate aging in reproductive tissues and their relationship to overall organismal healthspan and longevity. To our knowledge, this is the only international meeting dedicated entirely to the topic of reproductive aging.
Aging & Social Change: Fifteenth Interdisciplinary Conference
25. Sep 2025 - 26. Sep 2025 • Linköping University, Norrköping, Schweden
Common Ground Research Networks
Aging & Social Change: Fifteenth Interdisciplinary Conference is a forum for discussion of challenges and opportunities for a rapidly growing segment of the population worldwide. The process of aging is a concern for individuals, families, communities, and nations. The social context of aging provides a rich background for community dialogue on this, one of the critical questions of our time. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries.
Email: support@cgnetworks.org
ageing, chronic diseases, community, culture, diversity, end of life care, family, gerontology, health, mental health, nutrition, politics, public health, public policy, sociology
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Stand vom 16. August 2024