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ACD2025 — Computational Interactions between Algebra, Combinatorics, and Discrete Geometry
10. Feb 2025 - 14. Feb 2025 • Los Angeles, CA, Vereinigte Staaten
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)
Over the last half a century, Algebra, Combinatorics, and Discrete Geometry have undergone transformations due, in part, to the connections each of these areas have to other fields and the growth of computational approaches used in the study of theoretical mathematics. These areas are closely intertwined, with various algebraic, combinatorial, and geometric objects playing pivotal roles. These objects include monomial ideals, affine semigroup rings, Stanley-Reisner rings, Ehrhart rings, toric rings, Cox Rings, Chow Rings, Gröbner bases on the algebraic side; graphs, matroids, simplicial complexes, polytopes and polyhedral complexes, convex bodies, posets, lattices, arrangements of hyperplanes on the combinatorial and discrete geometry side.
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