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34thNT_HistPhilMath — 34th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
11. Nov 2024 - 13. Nov 2024 • Belgrade, Serbien
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
The Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics is an annual international conference aimed at PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in the history, philosophy, and foundations of mathematics and related areas. The conference has a long history as a friendly event for early-career researchers in the history and philosophy of mathematics. It provides a unique platform to meet and interact with others in related areas, opening doors to potential collaborations and receiving valuable feedback. One of the main goals of the Novembertagung is to gather and connect as many young researchers from around the world as possible and to promote the study of the history and philosophy of mathematics. This year's theme is: "UNIFYING THE OLD AND THE NEW: A CROSS-SECTION OF CONTEMPORARY INVESTIGATIONS AND TRENDS IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS". Following the guidelines of the International Commission on the History of Mathematics, this year’s theme was construed broadly to include as many interesting applications as possible. Keynote lectures will be given by José Ferreirós (Universidad de Sevilla), Vincenzo De Risi (CNRS – Laboratoire SPHERE), and Øystein Linnebo (Universitetet i Oslo).
The Organising Committee of the 34th Novembertagung;     Email: novembertagung2023@gmail.com
history of mathematics, philosophy of mathematics, foundations of mathematics

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