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CMIS 2024 — 11th Contact Mechanics International Symposium
22 mai 2024 - 24 mai 2024 • Lyon, France
The 11th Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS) aims at gathering researchers interested in a broad range of topics in theoretical, mathematical, computational and experimental aspects of contact mechanics. The symposium addresses a wide panorama of topics in the area of contact mechanics in order to reinforce interactions and collaborations between the various communities.
Models, friction laws; wear; tribological modeling; cohesive zone models; rolling; Emerging computational approaches: methods, algorithms and numerical analysis ; Mathematical analysis ; Dynamic contact problems, instabilities ; Nano and micromechanics of contact and multiscale approaches ; Multiphysics and thermomechanical coupling ; Granular materials and rigid bodies ; Contact modeling in mechanical and civil engineering, biomechanics and geomechanics ; Architected/textured contact interfaces Experiments in contact mechanics
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