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APE — Asia Photonics Expo 2025
26 fév 2025 - 28 fév 2025 • Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapour
Informa Markets
Organised by Informa Markets - the world's leading tradeshow organiser, Asia Photonics Expo (APE) will be held at L1 Sands Expo and Convention Centre in Singapore from 26 to 28 February 2025. APE will focus on the latest cutting-edge innovative technologies and the emerging application markets in Asia, aiming to promote the in-depth communication and business collaboration between the photonics upstream and downstream professionals. It will cover the entire optoelectronic ecosystem to showcase the latest products in optical communication, precision optics, laser, infrared, sensor, and display fields, targeting the top-notched optoelectronic innovative technologies and solutions of nine major application areas in optical communication/information processing and storage, consumer electronics, advanced manufacturing, surveillance and security, semiconductor processing, energy, sensing and measurement, lighting and display, and medical. APE is the one-stop sourcing platform for industry players to find new products and technologies and follow market trends. With an exhibition area of 15,000 square meters, APE is expected to attract 400+ enterprises, and more than 5,000 visitors to attend the show. During the exhibition, APE will also hold a variety of concurrent events, such as academic conferences and industry forums for future trends, cutting-edge technologies, industry hotspots, etc., site tours to research institutes, R&D centres, and local companies, as well as high-end networking opportunities including one-on-one business matching.
Event Secretariat;     Email.:
optical communication, precision optics, laser, infrared, sensor, quantum, display
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
ICMAT 2025/Symposium F — Colloidal Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics and Photonics
30 jui 2025 - 04 jul 2025 • Singapore, Singapour
Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
1652550 met à la disposition de ses visiteurs des listes de conférences et réunions dans le domaine scientifique. Ces listes sont publiées pour le bénéfice des personnes qui cherchent une conférence, mais aussi, bien sûr, pour celui des organisateurs. Noter que, malgré tout le soin que nous apportons à la vérification des données entrées dans nos listes, nous ne pouvons accepter de responsabilité en ce qui concerne leur exactitude ou étendue. Pensez donc à vérifier les informations présentées avec les organisateurs de la conférence ou de la réunion avant de vous engager à y participer!

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