Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Simulation  >  États-Unis

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Computational Learning for Model Reduction
06 jan 2025 - 10 jan 2025 • Providence, RI, États-Unis
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)
This workshop showcases emerging frontiers in ROM (reduced order modeling) by bringing together researchers whose core interests lie in model reduction and approximation theory, but who have also explored and developed novel methods that utilize various aspects of statistical learning and data science. Topics of the workshop will include: 1) new mathematical and computational nonlinear ROM formulations required for prediction of transport phenomena, 2) new model reduction and meta-learning opportunities necessitated by the prevalence of large neural network models, 3) new paradigms for ROM capable of attacking parameter inference and ill-posed inverse problems, 4) new frontiers in the automated learning of latent representations due to the availability of computationally feasible optimization in statistical and machine learning, 5) an appropriate computational balancing of observational or experimental data with simulation-based models and ROM that would lead to the usage of ROM in digital twin-scale applications, and 6) challenges and new developments in ROM that aims to preserve inherent physical structure of the underlying dynamics.
ICERM;     Email.:
reduced order modeling, acceleration, simulation, approximation theory
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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