Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Simulation  >  Canada

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Mathematical Modelling of Tumour Immune Dynamics and Immunotherapies
14 oct 2024 - 18 oct 2024 • The Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fields Institute
Immunotherapies have revolutionized treatments for several types of cancers, but have been met with clinical trial failures in others. The idea of eliciting an immune response against a tumour is old, but we are only just beginning to harness the potential of the immune system to treat both solid and liquid tumours. To improve immunotherapeutic approaches requires understanding how the immune system interacts around and within a tumour, allowing us to establish effective immunotherapeutic protocols. Mathematical modelling can help identify the mechanisms at the heart of immunotherapeutic efficacy and design successful therapeutic regimens. Close collaboration between experimentalists, clinicians, and quantitative researchers in academia and industry is required to forward models for implementation. This workshop will focus on tightening the links between researchers in different fields to fuel immunotherapy success.
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