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Optimizing Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care
01 May 2024 - 03 May 2024 • Live Streaming from Boston, MA, USA, Any Location (virtual event)
Harvard Medical School
Taught by many of the country’s most experienced experts from Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, this immersive program provides state-of-the-art strategies, best practices and take-home tools to help you effectively and efficiently transition pediatric patients to adult care and elevate their quality of life. If you provide care for or are preparing to accept pediatric patients who are transferring to adult care, especially those with chronic conditions, this course will prove invaluable. It will inform, update, and inspire you, and you will return to your practice empowered to be a more effective clinician in the care.
Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Medical Education;     Phone: [617-384-8600];     Email:
Harvard, CME, Med-Peds, Transition, chronic, disability, Independent living, Self-management, Self-advocacy, Decision-making, communications, placement, telehealth, social media, adolescents, young adults, transfer, policy, team, process, pediatrics
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Last updated: 8 September 2023