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Basic Science School 2024: Precision Cut Liver Slices and Liver Organoids – versatile ex-vivo models of liver disease
02 Oct 2024 - 04 Oct 2024 • London, United Kingdom
The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
Many of the limitations of cellular and animal models of liver disease can be overcome by using human precision cut liver slices and liver organoid cultures. These cutting-edge 3D models can recapitulate the complex multi-cellular pathways involved in liver injury and disease progression. In this Basic Science EASL school, each participant will receive hands-on practical training in the preparation, culture and characterisation of precision cut liver slices. Each participant will directly derive liver organoids from liver tissue and foetal liver tissue. We will train participants in small groups of 6 persons, allowing each delegate to perform these techniques individually. Further to this, each participant will walk away with the ability to induce steatosis, injury, inflammation and fibrosis in the slices and the capability to perform microscopic evaluation of both slices and organoids.
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Last updated: 13 November 2023