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ESI Workshop — Degenerate and Singular PDEs
24. Feb 2025 - 28. Feb 2025 • Universität Wien, Österreich
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)
Partial differential equations are a fundamental tool for modeling various physical phenomena and engineering problems. For example, oil flows in rock grains, turbulent filtration processes, groundwater flows, shallow water waves, phase changes of materials, and traffic congestion problems. The relevant PDEs are non-linear, and present certain degenerate and/or singular nature. Important examples include but are not limited to the porous medium equation, the p-Laplace equation, the total variation flow, the Stefan problem, doubly non-linear parabolic equations, widely degenerate equations, as well as related non-local equations.
Topics of the workshop include: (1) ​Gradient regularity for the porous medium/fast diffusion equation, (2) Wiener's criterion for non-linear parabolic equations, (3) Boundary Harnack estimates, (4) Regularity theory for Stefan-type problems, (5) Regularity theory for widely degenerate equations.
ESI Workshop — Eisenstein Series, Spaces of Automorphic Forms, and Applications
01. Sep 2025 - 05. Sep 2025 • Universität Wien, Österreich
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)
This program will focus on several aspects of the theory of automorphic forms with an emphasis on the relations among the internal structure of spaces of automorphic forms, the Langlands functoriality principle, automorphic L-functions, and questions in geometry, in particular, those regarding locally symmetric spaces. These are associated with arithmetic subgroups of a given reductive algebraic group G dened over analgebraic number field. Special attention is given to the theory of Eisenstein series and their ubiquitous role within the theory of automorphic forms.
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