The interactions between dynamics and geometry in dimensions up to three are fertile, they have been at the origin of many recent discoveries. A particularly nice example is the genericity of the set of three-dimensional Reeb flows admitting infinitely many periodic orbits. These interactions are also at the heart of a number of current research programs around the world in various directions. Transverse geometric structures (possibly singular), for example, represent a promising line of work for the study of Anosov flows in dimension three. Methods and concepts from one-dimensional dynamical systems, singular geometric structures on surfaces (of which translation surfaces are the paradigmatic example) and three-dimensional flows are fundamental. These ideas permeate a large part of mathematics, inspiring many higherdimensional notions, but are not as well-known as they should be by a wider public of young researchers in geometry and dynamics. The aim of this summer school is to help filling this gap, through three in-depth mini-courses on circle diffeomorphisms, translation surfaces and the dynamics of three-dimensional Reeb flows.