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Birational Geometry and K-stability in Moduli Spaces
10. Mär 2025 - 12. Mär 2025 • Montréal, Kanada
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
The proposed three-day workshop will focus on interrelated mathematical advances in each of the following highly active areas of current research: complex birational geometry (led by MMP), K-stability, and moduli spaces. These domains are of fundamental importance for the (birational) geometry and classification of complex projective varieties as well as for the understanding of their moduli spaces. The workshop will focus on some of the current frontiers that are of particular importance to each of these areas.

In addition to encouraging and stimulating interactions between relevant experts, the workshop will provide a valuable opportunity to explain to interested graduate students and young researchers the details of the techniques used through mini-courses and specialized lectures. Many speakers are renowned speakers in addition to being leading experts in their field. In particular, the workshop plans to have three mini-lectures, one by Sándor Kovács on the now classical and important KSBA (Kollar-Shepherd-Baron and Alexeev) compactification of moduli spaces, one by Chenyang Xu on the recent roles of the MMP on K-stability and one by Kenneth Ascher on K-moduli and the role of moduli space theory. In addition to our guest speakers, we intend to involve graduate students and postdocs.

minimal model program, K-stability, moduli space, varieties, birational geometry, GIT, Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture, PDE
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Stand vom 12. Februar 2025