EVEQ 2024 marks the 10th installment of the quadrennial EVEQ summer school series, which has a long-standing tradition dating back to 1984 when the inaugural EVEQ summer school took place. Since then, EVEQ summer schools have been hosted at various locations in the former Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. The last, ninth edition of the series was organized in 2016, while the summer school scheduled for 2020 had to be canceled due to the covid-19 pandemic. The name 'EVEQ' is derived from 'EVolution EQuations'. These summer schools primarily focus on various problems in mathematical analysis of evolution differential equations that describe real world processes, such as those found in physics, chemistry, biology, and more. The primary goal of the summer school is to bring together students, postdocs and young scientists interested in these problems and offering them the opportunity to attend several series of lectures covering various topics in the area of analysis of evolution equations.