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XXVII ISAM Congress – ‘Addiction Medicine – think globally, act locally’
26. Mai 2025 - 28. Mai 2025 • Hamburg, Deutschland
Institut für interdisziplinäre Sucht- und Drogenforschung Hamburg
We welcome you to the XXVII ISAM Congress in Hamburg, Germany. We chose ‘Addiction Medicine – think globally, act locally’ as congress topic. We would like to encourage addiction specialists from all around the world to share their approaches and experiences with the congress attendees. We believe that discussing diverse backgrounds can enrich the perspectives on addiction in different cultural settings. The ISAM Congress and the renowned Hamburger Suchttherapietage, a German addiction congress, will take place at the same time.
Email: kongress@isd-hamburg.de
addiction medicine, substance use, substance abuse, addiction, medicine,
EACLIPT Conference 2025 | Clinical Psychology in Transition
28. Mai 2025 - 30. Mai 2025 • Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
event lab. GmbH
The conference of the European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment and the Excellence Center DYNAMIC will bring together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments in clinical psychology, with a focus on understanding and treating mental disorders. The event will feature keynotes and podium discussions with outstanding international experts providing new perspectives on the challenges faced by the field. Pre-conference workshops will provide hands-on training in psychological interventions for children, adolescents, and adults. The conference will cover a wide range of evidence-based psychological approaches, offering opportunities for participants to present their own research in open symposia or poster sessions.
Congress Office event lab. GmbH;     Tel.: [+49 (0) 341 30 88 84 67];     Email: eaclipt-conference@eventlab.org
Clinical Psychology, Mental Health, Mental Disorders, Psychological Interventions, Psychology Research, Psychological Treatments

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Stand vom 28. November 2024