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Summer School on Modern Tools in Low-Dimensional Topology
02. Jun 2025 - 06. Jun 2025 • Trieste, Italien
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
The summer school is aimed at graduate students in low-dimensional topology. The goal is to make students familiar with the novel techniques in the field that have led to recent advances in our understanding of four-dimensional manifolds.
The program will consist of four mini-courses of 5 lectures each, all accompanied by discussion sessions: 1. Skein lasagna modules (by Mike Willis and Melissa Zhang) 2. Real Seiberg-Witten theory (by Hokuto Konno and Ian Montague) 3. Kontsevich invariants from configuration spaces (by Jianfeng Lin and Danica Kosanovic) 4. Lefschetz fibrations and closed exotic 4-manifolds (by Andras Stipsicz and Zoltan Szabo)
Conference on Modern Developments in Low-Dimensional Topology
09. Jun 2025 - 13. Jun 2025 • Trieste, Italien
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
The conference will consist of several research talks on topics of current interest in low dimensional topology, including four-manifolds, knot invariants, categorification, gauge theory, and connections to physics.

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Stand vom 3. Januar 2025