Konferenzen zum Thema Politikwissenschaft in den Niederlanden

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Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector: From Principles to Practice and Policy
10. Mär 2022 - 11. Mär 2022 • The Hague, Niederlande
T.M.C. Asser Institute Centre for international and European Law
The conference will address the multiple challenges raised by the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the public sector. As AI is progressively deployed in various domains such as healthcare, energy, welfare, border security, criminal justice, law enforcement, and defence, it is essential to ensure that the development and use of AI technologies are guided by core values, in particular the rule of law and human rights. The conference will result in an interdisciplinary dialogue aimed at generating insights on the principles, conditions, and methods that would facilitate the responsible deployment of AI in the public sphere. In order to develop solutions to the pressing challenges of AI, the ethical, legal, technical, and policy aspects must be addressed together.
Artificial Intelligence, policy, human rights, design, engineering, ethics, machine learning, healthcare, energy, welfare, border security, criminal justice, law enforcement, defence, law, international law, jurisprudence, legal, warfare, peace, public policy, EU legislation, philosophy

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Stand vom 25. Februar 2022